Sector Development
project outcomes

The Victorian NDIS Sector Development Project (SDP) supports disability organisations to transform their businesses to operate under the NDIS. At the end of 2018, NDS evaluated the medium and long term outcomes for providers as a result of SDP activities and support.

We surveyed people who accessed a broad range of SDP support, information or activities. We received 499 responses from across Victoria, including front line staff through to CEOs and Board members.

What we found out...


say their participation had positive impacts on their medium to long-term NDIS transition outcomes

What did people say?

“Networking with other services experiencing the same challenges has helped us. Also, being able to learn from organisations that have already transitioned to avoid some of the mistakes that they made and embrace some of the successes.”
“It gave us access to expertise we would have found difficult to find otherwise.”
“The NDS Helpdesk is a fantastic resource that has improved my understanding of the NDIS and how to support people in our community. Participants feel more confident in our skills when we can give them an answer that is informed.”


said they had achieved one or more positive outcomes, and 67% said the changes were sustainable post-NDIS implementation.

What's next?

Providers recognise challenges going forward, as well as what support they need to help them build sustainability.

Last updated 27 June 2019 - 5:30pm